Kamis, 20 Maret 2008

Watch What You Eat

The older you get, the less hydrochloric acid your stomach is able to produce. The less acid you produce, the more poorly food is digested and the more health problems you end up with. Changes have to be made in the way you eat.
In order for your body to function properly, you need to eat right. Everyone's body is different, different life style, blood type, exercise levels and habits accumulated over time. One size does not fit all. General guidelines drilled into everyone about fiber and eating vegetables is good, but may not go far enough. What you eat has got to be used by your body to get any good from it. If you don't eat right, your digestive system will be compromised and will not be able to extract the necessary vitamins and minerals from what you eat so your body can use them. Worse yet, is waste accumulated in the bowel turning toxic, making it almost impossible for your immune system to do it's job. Combining the wrong foods makes it difficult for your digestive system to function at its best. When attempting to determine if any of the combinations will work for you or disagree with you, you first need to train yourself to notice what makes you feel better and what does not. It helps if you are not constantly experiencing indigestion to begin with. Changes in diet may take up to 2 weeks or more before
you notice the difference; some things you may notice right away. It takes between 20 to 30 hours for the food you eat to make its way through your body, (no more than 65 hours) and what you eat should not make you uncomfortable. If
you experience gas or bloating after eating, you obviously have made a mistake.
There are things you may already know that need to be avoided. Some people can't eat beef, dairy or pork, no matter what it is combined with or not combined with. It would be futile to try and mix those foods with anything, as that is counter productive. You may want to investigate eating for your blood type to do a quick narrowing down of the possible foods to avoid. You may notice when reading the list of foods to avoid, many that already give you trouble. Most of us are used to sitting down to a meal and eating a little of this and a little of that. Most times, if not always, the rules of food combining are being violated. If it does not bother you to do so, fine. Otherwise, you may consider eating all of one thing before starting on another. Usually it is best to start with the food with the highest water content and work your way down from there.

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